Transform Your Training with Our Easy-to-Use Platform

Implement and manage company training without monthly fees or pre-purchasing courses

Access over 2000 industry-leading, Online safety courses, excel reporting, dashboards, the training matrix, and more. All from your company portal

Course titles from many of the leading content providers in North America.

Approved & Endorsed Content

Our course library offers the most extensive selection of approved, recognized, and endorsed online content in Canada, including:

Over 70 course-content partners across North America –

Canadian and US courses available in multiple languages

1800+ online courses –

courses typically meet or exceed CSA/ ANSI/ OHS and OSHA Standards (if applicable).

Various Pricing options –

Choose the best program to fit your corporate needs. We offer Pay-as-you-go programs, bulk pre-buys and subscription-based packages.

Extensive Course Selection

With our extensive network of partnerships, we offer access to the most up-to-date training from esteemed providers. These top-quality courses are crafted using a unique blend of:

High-Impact Videos

Engaging Exam Questions

Interactive Games

Multilingual Options

Begin Your Safety Training Today

AVERWORX Work Site Orientations for comprehensive training tailored to your workplace needs. Ensure safety compliance and equip your team with the knowledge they need to thrive. Start today for a safer, more efficient work environment.