Hearing Conservation Online

Course Overview

This online Personal Protective Equipment in Construction Environments course has been created specifically to involve employees in the process of understanding the proper use of personal protective equipment and to help facilities in fulfilling OSHA’s Personal Protective Equipment Standards (29 CFR,1910. 132, 133, 134,135,136,137,138) training requirements. The course looks at why personal protective equipment is so important and reminds employees of what is available. On-the-job injuries affect all types of people, doing all types of work. Each year hundreds of thousands of workers are injured… at a cost to employers of billions of dollars annually. Studies show that the majority of workplace injuries could be avoided if employees used the proper personal protective equipment. Yet many people have little idea of what protective equipment should be used in their jobs, or how to use it properly. Areas covered in the course include a review of OSHA’s Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Standards, PPE for eye and face hazards, PPE for respiratory hazards, PPE for head hazards, PPE for foot hazards, PPE to guard against electrical hazards, PPE to guard against hand and finger hazards, and more.

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This online Personal Protective Equipment in Construction Environments course has been created specifically to involve employees in the process of understanding the proper use of personal protective equipment and to help facilities in fulfilling OSHA’s Personal Protective Equipment Standards (29 CFR,1910. 132, 133, 134,135,136,137,138) training requirements.