Upload hundreds of documents to a single cloud-based storage, where your team can access, view, and digitally sign them with ease.

Easily create profiles for all your equipment and company assets.

Upload pictures, video, auto, equipment manuals, certificates and more.

Automatically scheduled inspections and regular maintenance.

Secure Online Document Storage – Access and Sign Off.

Upload policies, procedures, forms, and other documents such as drug and alcohol policies or working-alone procedures to an online folder system. Grant permissions to all or select employees, enabling them to download, view, complete, and sign documents directly from their mobile devices.

Sign-Off Reports
Digital Signature
Mobile Compatibility
Permission Management

Notification System

The highlight of the foldering system is its automatic notifications. When new policies, procedures, forms, or other documents are added to a folder, users receive alerts, ensuring they’re promptly informed of items available for review and sign-off.

Folder Assignment

Digital folders elevate your company’s compliance by enabling folder access control by employee, role, location, or a combination of role and location.

Effortless Document Management: Simplify Access, Signatures, and Compliance​

Transform document management with our digital folder solution. Easily organize, share, and sign documents online for smooth collaboration and improved compliance. Start today.